We refer to our announcements dated 7 March 2024 and 6 June 2024 in relation to the convening and restraining orders obtained by the Scheme Companies to summon meetings of the various classes of their creditors (collectively, the “Scheme Creditors”), to consider and if thought fit and appropriate, to approve, a proposed scheme of arrangement and compromise between the Scheme Companies and their respective Scheme Creditors.
The Board of Directors of the Company wishes to announce that separate court convened meetings of the Scheme Companies and their Scheme Creditors pursuant to Section 366(1) of the Act (“Court Convened Meetings”) will be held virtually through live streaming and online remote voting via the broadcast venue at Perdana Kuala Lumpur City Centre at the dates and times specified in the notices of the Court Convened Meetings of the respective Scheme Companies or any adjournment thereof.
Please refer to the attached revised notices of the Court Convened Meetings for each of the Scheme Companies, which include the updated links for completing the attendance forms and submitting the proxy forms for your kind attention.
This announcement is dated 27 January 2025.