
Date: 10 July 2013

OTHERS Incorporation of New Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries in Bermuda

Type Announcement
Subject OTHERS
Description Incorporation of New Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries in Bermuda


The Board of Directors of SapuraKencana Petroleum Berhad (the “Company” or “SKPB”) wishes to announce that Seabras Sapura Holdco Ltd (“SBSHL”), a jointly controlled entity between TL Offshore Sdn Bhd (“TLO”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of SKPB and Seabras Serviços De Petroleo S.A., a subsidiary of Seadrill Limited had on 8 July 2013 incorporated three (3) wholly-owned subsidiaries in Bermuda known as TL Offshore PLSV3 Ltd (“TLO PLSV3”), TL Offshore PLSV4 Ltd (“TLO PLSV4”) and TL Offshore PLSV5 Ltd (“TLO PLSV5”). The share capital of TLO PLSV3, TLO PLSV4 and TLO PLSV5 consists of 100 common shares of a par value of USD1.00 each which have been fully paid-up, respectively.

The intended principal activities of TLO PLSV3, TLO PLSV4 and TLO PLSV5 are vessel owning and vessel chartering pursuant to the announcement made by the Company on 27 June 2013.


 The above incorporation of new subsidiaries is not expected to have any material effect on SKPB group’s earnings and net assets for the financial year ending 31 January 2014.


None of the Directors and/or major shareholders of the Company or persons connected with them have any interest, direct or indirect, in the above incorporation.

This announcement is dated 10 July 2013.
