
Date: 03 March 2014

Change in Boardroom

Date of change 01/03/2014
Age 58
Nationality MALAYSIAN
Type of change Appointment
Designation Executive Director
Directorate Executive
Qualifications -Bsc. Hons. in Chemical Engineering (1979), University of Bath, United Kingdom
-Chairman of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Asia-Pacific Sdn Bhd
-Senior management training at INSEAD (France) and Cornell University (USA) 
Working experience and occupation Encik Ramlan bin Abdul Malek was the Vice President, Petroleum Management, Exploration & Production ("E&P") Business of PETRONAS prior to his retirement from PETRONAS at the end of February 2014. His responsibilities covered the promotion, implementation and regulation of the upstream activities in Malaysia, as the petroleum resource and production sharing contracts manager.

Encik Ramlan has 34 years of working experience in the upstream E&P business. His early career was in petroleum engineering and production operations, followed by upstream business development, strategic planning, petroleum arrangements negotiation, projects and procurement coordination, and general supervision of domestic upstream activities. He led efforts in securing deep water exploration and development, enhance-oil-recovery ("EOR") projects, major petroleum infrastructure projects, small fields development and unitisation of petroleum fields straddling boundaries, and increasing local services companies participation.

Prior to assuming his position in June 2010, he was the Vice President, E&P Business (from March 2007) and held several technical and general management positions in PETRONAS, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd and PETRONAS Research & Scientific Services. Encik Ramlan was a member of the PETRONAS Management Committee, as well as a Director of Malaysia Petroleum Resources Corporation ("MPRC"), Director of Malaysia-Thailand Joint Authority ("MTJA") and Director of PETRONAS Gas Berhad.  
Directorship of public companies (if any) Nil 
Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer Nil 
Any conflict of interests that he/she has with the listed issuer Nil 
Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries Nil 
