The Board of Directors of SEB wishes to announce the change in the composition of the Board Risk Management Committee ("BRMC") of the Company with effect from 1 February 2018. YBhg Datuk Ramlan Abdul Rashid, an Independent Non-Executive Director, is now appointed a member of the BRMC. On the same date, YBhg Datuk Ramlan Abdul Malek, a Non-Independent Executive Director, is now resigned as a member of BRMC.
The new composition of the BRMC of the Company after the above change is as follows :
(a) Encik Mohamed Rashdi Mohamed Ghazalli (Chairman, Independent Non-Executive Director)
(b) YBhg Datuk Muhamad Noor Hamid (Member, Independent Non-Executive Director)
(c) YBhg Datuk Ramlan Abdul Rashid (Member, Independent Non-Executive Director)
This announcement is dated 1 February 2018.