Date : 19 March 2004

ARTICLE ENTITLED : "Maxis surprised by DiGi buy talk"



Reply to query
Reply to Query Letter by KLSE reference IDCY-040318-52301
SubjectARTICLE ENTITLED : "Maxis surprised by DiGi buy talk"

Contents :

We refer to the letter dated 18 March 2004 from the Malaysia Securities Exchange Berhad ("MSEB") to Maxis Communications Berhad ("Maxis" or "the Company") titled "ARTICLE ENTITLED: Maxis surprised by DiGi buy talk" in relation to the news article ("the Article") appearing in The Edge, Financial Daily, page 2 on Thursday, 18th March 2004.

Maxis wishes to inform the MSEB that the following statements :-

(1) "...Maxis may acquire Telenor ASA’s 61% stake in DiGi at between RM5 and RM6 per share..."
(2) "...Maxis would undertake a general offer on the remaining shares by issuing Maxis shares which would subsequently be acquired by Australia’s Telstra. The latter would then emerge as a substantial shareholder of Maxis"
are speculative and the Company is not aware of the basis for the references made to Maxis.

    This announcement is dated 19 March 2004

    Query Letter Contents :

    We refer to the above article appearing in The Edge, FinancialDaily, page 2, on
    Thursday, 18 March 2004, a copy of which is enclosed for your reference.
    In particular, we would like to draw your attention to the underlined
    sentences, which are reproduced as follows:-
    (1) " ... Maxis may acquire Telenor ASA's 61% stake in DiGi at between RM5 and
    RM6 per share ... "
    (2) " ... Maxis would undertake a general offer on the remaining shares by
    issuing Maxis shares, which would subsequently be acquired by Australia's
    Telstra. The latter would then emerge as a substantial shareholder of Maxis."
    In accordance with the Exchange's Corporate Disclosure Policy, you are
    requested to furnish the Exchange with an announcement for public release
    confirming or denying the above reported article and in particular the
    underlined sentences after due and diligent enquiry with all the directors,
    major shareholders and all such other persons reasonably familiar with the
    matters about which the disclosure is to be made in this respect. In the event
    you deny the above sentences or any other part of the above reported article,
    you are required to set forth facts sufficient to clarify any misleading
    aspects of the same. In the event you confirm the above sentences or any other
    part of the above reported article, you are required to set forth facts
    sufficient to support the same.
    Please furnish the Exchange with your reply within one (1) market day from the
    date hereof.
    Yours faithfully

    Sector Head, Issues & Listing
    Group Regulations
    c.c. Securities Commission (via fax)

    Announcement Info

    Stock Name MAXIS    
    Date Announced19 Mar 2004  
    CategoryGeneral Announcement
    Reference NoMC-040319-59687