
Date : 14 October 2011

Change in Audit Committee


Date of change

Type of changeDemised
DesignationMember of Audit Committee
DirectorateIndependent & Non Executive
NameChew Keng Yong
QualificationsDiploma in Management from the Malaysian Institute of Management
Working experience and occupation Mr. Chew Keng Yong was the founder and Executive Chairman of Pos Ad Group, the first in-store advertising company in Asia. He has extensive experience in the business of in-store advertising which specialises in promoting and marketing fast moving consumer goods for companies and supermarkets in East and West Malaysia.
Directorship of public companies (if any)Nil
Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuerNil
Any conflict of interests that he/she has with the listed issuerNil
Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiariesMr. Chew Keng Yong holds 5,113,600 ordinary shares of RM0.10 each in RCE Capital Berhad. He has deemed interest in 2,378,200 ordinary shares through Pos Ad Sdn Bhd and 380,000 ordinary shares through his spouse.
Composition of Audit Committee (Name and Directorate of members after change)Dato' Ab. Halim bin Mohyiddin - Chairman, Independent Director
Tan Sri Mohd Zaman Khan @ Hassan bin Rahim Khan - Member, Independent Director
Major General (Rtd) Dato' Haji Fauzi bin Hussain - Member, Independent Director
Dato' Che Md Nawawi bin Ismail - Member, Independent Director
Soo Kim Wai - Member, Non-Independent Non-Executive Director

Announcement Info

Stock Name RCECAP    
Date Announced14 Oct 2011  
CategoryChange in Audit Committee
Reference NoRC-111013-65093
