Date: 10 October 2007

General Announcement

Submitting Merchant Bank

Type : Announcement

Subject : AmanahRaya Real Estate Investment Trust ("AmanahRaya REIT")
-Proposed Appointment of Dato' Dr. Mohd Irwan Serigar Abdullah to the Board of Directors of AmanahRaya-JMF Asset Management Sdn Bhd ("ARJMF"), the management company of AmanahRaya REIT

Contents :

On behalf of the Board of Directors of ARJMF ("Board"), Aseambankers Malaysia Berhad had on 10 October 2007 submitted an application to the Securities Commission for the proposed appointment of Dato' Dr. Mohd Irwan Serigar Abdullah to the Board of ARJMF, as a Non-Independent Non-Executive Director. This announcement is dated 10 October 2007.
