Date: 11 June 2012

General Announcement


Lease of Silver Bird Factory (Default in Rental Payment).

Announcement Details/Table Section :

On behalf of the Board of Directors ("Board") of AmanahRaya-REIT Managers Sdn Bhd ("ARRM" or "the Company"), the Management Company of ARREIT hereby announces that one of ARREIT lessees i.e. Silver Bird Group Berhad had on 29 February 2012 been announced as a PN17 Company pursuant to Paragraph 8.04 and Paragraphs 2.1(d) and 2.1(f) of PN17 of the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad.

Silver Bird Group Berhad ("the Lessee") has defaulted in its rental payment on the lease of a Warehouse Complex erected on an industrial land held under HS(D) 232293, PT 93 Pekan Baru Hicom, Daerah Petaling, Negeri Selangor with freehold title, but excluding all plant and machineries for manufacturing purposes and the museum facilities installed thereon ("Demised Property") for the months of January 2012 to May 2012.

In this relation, CIMB Islamic Trustee Berhad (Formerly known as CIMB Trustee Berhad) ("the Lessor") has thereto called on the entire guaranteed sum under the Bank Guarantee issued by RHB Bank Berhad for the sum of Ringgit Malaysia Seven Million Two Hundred and Ninety Six Thousand only (RM7,296,000.00) being:-

i. Outstanding rental due and owing by the Lessee for the period from January 2012 up to May 2012 ("Outstanding Rental"); and

ii. The remaining sum (after the deduction of the Outstanding Rental) shall be treated as advance rental for the lease period up to January 2013 ("Lease Period").

Upon expiry of the Lease Period as aforesaid (or on the expiry of such further extended period as may hereafter be mutually agreed by the Lessor and the Lessee), the Lessee shall deliver vacant possession and reinstate the Demised Property in accordance with clauses 5.7 and 5.8 of the Lease Agreement at its sole cost and expense.

The above transaction does not have any material impact on the earnings and net assets of the Company for the financial year ending 31 December 2012.

This announcement is dated 11 June 2012.
