Corporate Information

Company Name Chip Eng Seng Corporation Ltd
Registered Office 171 Chin Swee Road, #12-01, CES Centre, Singapore 169877
Stock Exchange Industrial Classification System Sector Construction
Internet Homepage Address (URL)
Phone Number +65 6801 0088
Fax Number +65 6801 0038
Email Address
Financial Year End December 31
Quarterly Report March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31
Board of Directors Mrs Celine Tang, Non-Independent and Non-Executive Director and
Non-Executive Chairman
Mr Chia Lee Meng Raymond, Executive Director and Group Chief Executive Officer
Mr Tan Tee How, Executive Director
Mr Ang Mong Seng, Lead Independent Director
Mr Abdul Jabbar Bin Karam Din, Independent Director
Mr Lock Wai Han, Independent Director  
Mr Yam Ah Mee, Non-Independent and Non-Executive Director  
Prof Low Teck Seng, Independent Director 
Dr Neo Boon Siong, Independent Director 
Prof Yaacob Bin Ibrahim, Independent Director

Key Executives Mr Law Cheong Yan, Chief Financial Officer
Ms Lim Sock Joo, Executive Director of CEL Development Pte Ltd
Mr Michael Ng Seng Tat, Executive Director of CEL Development Pte Ltd
Mr Yeo Siang Thong, Managing Director of Construction Division
Mr Vincent Yoong Shaw Leong, Managing Director of Precast Division

Audit and Risk Committee Dr Neo Boon Siong (Chairman)
Mr Abdul Jabbar Bin Karam Din
Mr Lock Wai Han
Prof Yaacob Bin Ibrahim

Remuneration Committee Mr Ang Mong Seng (Chairman)
Mr Abdul Jabbar Bin Karam Din
Prof Low Teck Seng

Nominating Committee Prof Yaacob Bin Ibrahim (Chairman)
Mr Ang Mong Seng
Mr Lock Wai Han
Prof Low Teck Seng

Investment Committee Prof Low Teck Seng (Chairman)
Mr Ang Mong Seng
Mr Abdul Jabbar Bin Karam Din

Auditors Ernst & Young LLP
Public Accountants and Certified Public Accountants
One Raffles Quay, North Tower, Level 18 Singapore 048583
Partner-in-charge: Nelson Chen Tel: 6535 7777

Company Secretaries Goh Gin Nee
Toh Li Ping, Angela

Share Registrar RHT Corporate Advisory Pte Ltd
30 Cecil Street
#19-08 Prudential Tower
Singapore 049712
Tel: + 65 6812 1611
Fax: + 65 6812 1601

Principal Bankers DBS Bank Ltd
United Overseas Bank Limited
Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited
Hong Leong Finance Limited
Standard Chartered Bank
Malayan Banking Berhad
The Bank of East Asia Limited (Singapore Branch)
Local Stock Ticker Symbol ChipEngS