OTHERS Proposed Acquisition by CIMB Islamic Trustee Berhad, the Trustee of ARREIT of Precico Factory for a cash considerationn of RM41,636,090-00 ("Proposed Acquisition")
Amended Announcements
Please refer to the earlier announcement reference number: CC-130422-33350
Type | Announcement |
Subject | OTHERS |
Description | Proposed Acquisition by CIMB Islamic Trustee Berhad, the Trustee of ARREIT of Precico Factory for a cash considerationn of RM41,636,090-00 ("Proposed Acquisition") |
We refer to our announcement made on 23 April 2013, the following item 3.4 is amended to as follows:-
3.4 Basis of arriving at the Purchase Price Consideration The purchase consideration of RM41, 636,090 for the Proposed Acquisition was arrived at on a "willing buyer willing seller" basis after taking into consideration the market value (“MV”) of the Properties of RM41, 720,000 as valued by the independent valuers namely, DTZ Nawawi Tie Leung vide its valuation report dated 5 December 2012. The valuations for the Properties have been carried out by using the Comparison Method and Investment Method.
The amended announcement is attached herein.
This announcement is dated 23 April 2013. |